Books I've Read

I’ve read books in English, French, and Arabic. Both fiction and non-fiction.

Mostly, I’ll post here non-fiction English books. At least, the ones that I can recommend and might be relevant to most of you.

Also, I’ll skip the books that I read but don’t remember much of them. I spent a decade reading without taking notes. Please don’t do like me. It’s such a waste.

This section is only meant to spark your interest in books. So I’ll only write my impressions and three notes from the books. For more details, summaries and reviews, you can find them on Amazon or any other source.

For a faster research, you can click on any tag below to find the books of your interests.



An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel

Rolf Potts

Once my mum asked me: what do you want to do in life? I replied instantly: vagabonding. Traveling is one of my biggest joys in life. I like to travel without rush, to get lost, to discover new things about the world and myself, and to come back home slightly different than before traveling. You'll find in this book plenty of resources for new and experimented travelers but also, a different way to look at life.

Three notes from the book:
1- The more we associate experience with cash value, the more we think that money is what we need to live. And the more we associate money with life, the more we convince ourselves that we’re too poor to buy our freedom.
2- Vagabonding is about gaining the courage to loosen your grip on the so-called certainties of this world. Vagabonding is about refusing to exile travel to some other, seemingly more appropriate, time of your life. Vagabonding is about taking control of your circumstances instead of passively waiting for them to decide your fate.
3- A vacation, after all, merely rewards work. Vagabonding justifies it.


  • Travel
  • Life
  • Self-Improvement