The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Book Notes) 

Albert Speer was Adolf Hitler’s chief architect.  During the Nurnberg trials and the 20 years he served in prison, he denied any knowledge of the crimes against the Jews.   Speer was often asked about what he knew.  But the right question, he...

When Allah Teaches History… 

Allah is a unique history teacher.  He is not concerned with most of what our historians fill their pages with.  The focus is not on the events per se, but on the patterns that keep repeating themselves.  In the end, historical events change. The human...

Pharoah’s Legacy: How to Oppress Successfully and Lose Dumbly 

In the Quran, the most cited villain after the devil is the Pharoah of Moses.  Why did Allah put so much emphasis on this persona?  Because will have to deal with the kinds of the Pharoah.  Their tactics of oppression are so efficient that Allah had to...

Mahatma Gandhi — Nonviolent Power in Action (Book Notes)

Most of what I knew about Gandhi came from the biographical film produced in 1982.  I also knew his philosophy inspired people like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and even Wael Ghonim, one of the main protagonists of the Egyptian revolution.  At first,...

Mongols Invasions: Some Forgotten Lessons to Today’s Muslims

From Mongols invasions, most Muslims know about the sack of Baghdad.  But learning about events doesn’t help that much. Events rarely repeat themselves.  It is unlikely that Mongols invade Muslim lands twice.  Even though history rarely repeats...